Crowdsourcing BETT 2013: The Perfect Storm

I'm leading a session at BETT this year on "The Perfect Storm" of change in the education sector and educational technology - see below for the session abstract.

I'd love to incorporate comments from readers of this blog, so please do post a comment below if you would like to contribute to the conversation.

(Photo credit: Extreme Storm Manhattan, NYC, CC-BY Flickr user redpilotmedia)

With the growing ubiquity of the Internet and its attendant culture of openness and sharing, profound changes have been taking place in teaching and learning. These changes have been compounded by the technological shift from “enterprise” to the consumer as the key force driving technical innovation.

Consider the following questions, which many institutions are currently wrestling with as they review their strategic direction:

  • How do we prepare for a world where BYOD, MOOCs, FutureLearn and the flipped classroom are the norm, the number of HEIs is greatly reduced, and the very nature of the HEI as a concept has changed beyond recognition?

In this session I will take the group though some recent developments from Loughborough University that may help to inform institutional thinking.

Our session is in Learn Live Theatre E on Friday 1st February 2013, from 16:15-17:00. BETT is free to attend, and you can sign up here.

Now it's time to add your voice...

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